You can go to Cianwood City by surfing from Olivine City. There are three plants right outside of the middle entrance to Mt. Now, either surf or test out your new wings (not really) to get back to Olivine City. For every second badge the maximum level of obeying Pokémon increases (2 badges - Level 30 4 badges - Level 50 6 badges - Level 70 8 badges - Level 100). Revealed as part of … You'll see some Now you can print it out on your Gameboy Printer, if you have one that is. Now, above the gym, there's a house with a man inside that'll take a picture of one of your Pokemon. and you can now use Fly outside of battles. The badges that open up Pokemon levels for you are the following: 2nd Badge - Hive Badge - Level 30 and below will obey. Whitney appears in Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver as the Leader of the Goldenrod Gym. The GameShark codes include the popular cheat codes such as the walk through walls, rare candies, Pokeballs, stats, wild Pokemon and some other useful cheats intended to improve and maximize your Pokemon crystal gaming experience. Once you have the first two badges then as it says, any Pokemon up to Level 30 will obey you. Jasmine needs for her sick Pokemon before battling you. Level 21: Spite: Mean Look: Curse: Haunter: Ghost/Poison: Hypnosis: Level 21: Mimic: Curse: Night Shade: Gengar: Ghost/Poison: Hypnosis: Level 25: Shadow Ball: Mean Look: Dream Eater: Haunter: Ghost/Poison: Spite: Level 23: Mean Look: Mimic: Night Shade $3,500, TM 23 - Iron Tail, and the Mineral Badge are yours if you beat Jasmine. You'll also need Waterfall to get to him. As usual, in Crystal you battle your way through 8 gyms, each specializing in a particular type. Next, exit east from the city using the Route Gate and you'll arrive at Mt. a rock-type Pokemon such as Geodude or Onix. In Gold and Silver, just picking up the Dragon Fang was enough for Clair to give you a badge. Winning a Battle Raid, on the other hand, gives you a lot. Jasmine has two Magnimite, and shouldn't be too hard to beat with a rock-type Pokemon such as Geodude or Onix. The Olivine City Gym is the only Gym where other trainers won't battle you. that is the rule in all the pokemon games they dont obey you if they are a certain level if you dont have a certain badge. To your upper-right hand corner, inside a line of rocks, is Suicune. She also have a Steelix, which is five levels higher than 2nd Gym- Pokemon to level 30.

But some combination of the main character's laughable failure to do anything, the fact that the entire audience is controlling the game together, and the unthinkable amount of progress they've made in the game so far has made Twitch Plays Pokemon a real event for people who like video games, and as a result it's gotten super-popular.